WJP Software Limited
I am a software developer at WJPS, where I have multiple responsibilities relating to the products WJPS offer. I am invloved in the design process of new products and new implementations, as well as the development of these projects, working with my colleagues to bring the specifications to reality. I am lead developer for the Web Communication System provided by WJPS, as it ties into one of my strongest skills which is web development.
Web Development
One of my biggest strengths identified throughout my time at universtiy was web design and development. During my time at WJPS I have been able to hone my skills and branch out into other web technologies and frameworks. There are a few web projects that I am involved in at WJPS, one of which the the Web Communication System that utilises PHP and Javascript. This combination I have found to be particularly powerful when used together, allowing for me to create custom applications that sit behind a regular website. Read mode about WCS.
Two of our more recent web projects have been built around the AngularJS framework, which provided me with a new challenge as I had no prior experience with the framework or the scripting language it utilises, TypeScript. I have found that AngularJS can easily create a flowing single load web application that makes using the sites created with it so fluid and nice to use. I have found that this also has enabled me to look at some basic web animation using CSS, as it works so well with dynmaic content philosophy angular runs from.
Windows Application Development
The flagship product of WJPS is a program created for the purpose of recording Microbiology data and organising it into easy to read trending information. This system, the Microbiological Reporting System (MRS), has been built from the ground up by WJPS for use in the NHS. As such I have been involved in the support of this application since I started at WJPS, and recently been involved in the development of a major re-write of the system, moving away from old code written in VB.net and converting to C#. Along with this update I have been the main developer working on it's interface, having decided to move away from the ageing winforms to WPF (Windows Presentation Framework).
Customer Support
Since starting at WJPS I have been involved in the support process for all products WJPS offer. As such I have experience using remote support software and talking to customers to get as much information as possible about what itsn't working as they expected it to.
Another set of skills I have honed while at WJPS is my knowledge of computers and networks. Before joing the company I built my own computer using off the shelf parts with the purpose to create a gaming capable computer, as such I know the basics of how a PC works and generally how to fix them when something goes wrong. Another skill this has given me is tinkering with Windows and other operating systems.